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Equallia Malone-Minister, Author, Editor, Songwriter, Producer, Philanthropist, never thought she'd be where she is today. Being the President & Founder of Holy Ghost Ministries International Association, President & Founder of The DeQuincy Stanberry Malone Foundation, and the CEO of Fervent House Publication and Production Co./Editor-In-Chief of Fervent Magazine.  Equallia didn't know that she had a calling on her life for greatness, a called and anointed leader chosen by God, with a phenomenal life story.

As a child, Equallia  grew up in Shelbyville, TX in a Christian environment where her great grandfather was one of the founding fathers of Carroll Chapel Church, there, the love of Jesus would be instilled into her heart. Shelby County is a small country town, where in the 70's and early 80's, racism still reigned. She attended a school that had just integrated in 1970. This was a challenge for her, witnessing racism as a young girl, and the adversity of being rejected.

The spiritual attack on her life from the enemy was to keep her in spiritual bondage, which stemmed from being called dumb & ugly by peers, educators, and some family members. Equallia was spiritually handicap, and spiritually paralyzed for forty years. Through her gift of writing, she has been set free from words that held her hostage. She claims her total healing and deliverance! Walking in fear for 40 years, afraid to use her brain, in "FEAR of FAILURE", was her greatest enemy.

After moving to Dallas, TX in 1987 with her dad and stepmother, her life begin to change. Little did she know that this would be the beginning of her journey for total healing, restoration, and her training for ministry. In this new place she did not hear the words that caused her to be spiritually handicap. No more being called dumb & ugly did she have to hear, which caused the feeling of unworthiness to be bestowed upon her, greatly affecting her self-esteem.

After High School graduation, came work and college, in which she dropped out due to her low self-esteem issues. She battled with these issues until January 2010, when she was instructed by God to move to Longview, TX to care for the "Three Angels." After being on an 82 day fast, and facing a near death experience with a bout with Lupus, she earnestly prayed to God for divine direction. Upon conformation from God,  Equallia packed her bags and moved her and her son (a former preemie, born August 1993, with a birth weight of 2lbs 12oz) to Longview, TX; a place where she had no family nor friends, nor did she know anything about this new place that she was instructed to move to. 

Equallia truly understands Abrahams move, in this commission from God.

With her stepping out on faith, and trusting God with her whole heart, has brought her an abundance of blessings and great prosperity in her spiritual life. The milestones to new beginnings started when she found Holy Ghost Ministries of Longview, TX October 2010; then, Three Angels Covenant Care, LLC 2012 in which she put on hold until God opens the door needed for it to operate as he would have it. Wrote and published her first book "The Love of A Man...Jesus" January 2012 (A Poem Given in 2009), which God gave her a vision to oversee a marriage conference from the poem; "The Love of A Man" for 2 years and partnered with Strawberry Ministries/w Pastors Darryll and Tracy Strawberry to host the second marriage conference. January 2013, she published her second book which is Co-Authored with her son "The Message." May 2013 the Holy Spirit instructed her to start a Foundation which is named in honor of her son "The DeQuincy Stanberry Malone Foundation." November 2013, the Holy Spirit reminded her of a dream she had September 2012 concerning a Christian Magazine, this is where her vision of "Fervent Magazine" came to life. March 2014 the Holy Spirit spoke to her once again and placed on her heart to start "Fervent House Publication & Production Co. LLC, ( and to publish "Fervent Magazine" under her own brand, and as of March 2016 designed and published her first book "GONE FISHING" under Fervent House Publication & Production Co. All this she has accomplished under God's Anointing.

Equallia started the company on several small investments out of her own personal account. The 1st small investment was to acquire her DBA for $16, next was 1 hour investment of her time to apply for a company EIN, $15 investment and many hours of her time of designing and building a company website, $900 investment with a local graphic designer to produce a 12 page prototype of "Fervent Magazine", and a $ 250 investment to open a business account at a local financial banking facility. Many hours of sweat, stress, tears, and frustration has gone into this assignment with Equallia not having any knowledge on graphic design, but yet came forth healing and deliverance from things stemming from her childhood through this assignment. She is now able to see this was God's way of pushing her into a place of healing with this assignment. Pushing her past her pain!

As she would continue to work long hours, seeking God, and reaching out to many which she thought could and would be a mentor to her, was of no affect. No one would respond to her outreach for help. Many times, she would say, I can't do this, this is too hard, I quit. But each time she would make that statement or even think it, the Holy Spirit would stir up a new gift to keep her in the place which He had called her to. She began to see, all she needed was God's guidance, His wisdom to be bestowed upon her, His anointing, and for him to sustain her with His wisdom and knowledge needed to effectively answer the call.

With no working capital, Equallia felt as if she were at the crossroad with the company but did not let that stop her. She would seek God even the more, and sow seeds as He would place on her heart, and where to sow them. Many days without sleep she would pray and labor. For faith without works is dead. 

Knowing this, she continues on her assignment with great expectations.

2015 Equallia had to re-launch "Fervent Magazine" with her friend CNBC'S Blue Collar Millionaire, "MR. DARNELL LEE." The re-launch was due to a great Spiritual attack which almost cost her, her and her sons life, and almost destroyed everything that she had worked so hard to achieve for the Kingdom of God. Equallia learned, that spiritual deception is real!!!!!

Surviving this life-threatening opposition has empowered her the more. As a devoted servant, she is now able to produce and publish great quality print for "Fervent Magazine" on a monthly basis globally, available in both print and digital format, all with a monthly investment of only $8.50, plus devoting/laboring 72-100 per week.

With many prayers, hard work, sweat, and tears that have gone forth; Equallia now stewards Fervent House Publication & Production Co., which has two brand extensions. Fervent Magazine, and Fervent Broadcasting Network, which will launch soon.

Being led by the Holy Spirit she has affiliated with some of the nation's leading Ministries, and businesses. She is also a former member of the NAPW where "Star Jones" is the President, and former member of Strathmore Global Who's Who, with the company networking over 10 million members.

Equallia continues to humbly serve God as He instructs her daily. She is a devoted mother, and Kingdom Builder, as the Holy Spirit has anointed and assigned her and given her the spirit of grace to be a blessing to her son, family, friends, and to many ministries across the nation.

Assignments are given to Equallia, and she is most faithful to carry them out with God's guidance, writing the vision, being instructed to insert/write Habakkuk 2:2-3 in every issue of "Fervent Magazine" has truly blessed her on this journey.

July 2013, the Holy Spirit spoke to her and instructed her to host a "Seven Up Manna Fest Celebration" where she would gather under God's anointing and direction with 49 Leaders in the Body of Christ for the Celebrations Prophetic Round Table Panel. With the number 49 in the Spiritual Realm of God, representing the Messiah. This vision was birthed April 2014 and as of April 2019 the ministry hosts their 5th Seven Up Manna Fest Celebration. 

2017 brings on a whole new chapter for Equallia, with the production of her very 1st song "In The Presence of God", which debuted April 1, 2017 with her God given group "Friend's of Praise" which consist of 7 Anointed Women of God, and great music composer "Brother David Gatlin", and was recorded as a solo, November 12, 2022, and dedicated to her dear friend, David Andrew Fleming Jr. 

That same year, September 23, 2017, Equallia joined her mother in a 3 1/2 battle of stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, which, upon diagnosis had metastasized to almost every bone in her body, including her skull.

 This was a battle that changed the entire course of daily living for Equallia, as she became a parttime caregiver for her mother, along with her son helping, many friends, and an awesome care team of Dr's, nurses, therapists, specialist, and care assistants.

April 5, 2021, Equallia's mother went to sleep in Jesus, which caused a great shift in her life, as she states, she felt like Elisha, when a double portion of Elijah's mantle was bestowed upon him after he was taken to heaven by a whirlwind.

June 20, 2019, God instructed Equallia to stay in the Word, and upon her obedience, through Holy Spirit, God, began to minister to her heart to design Movie Posters and gave her many strange titles for a Film/Movie Ministry which she never saw this coming. As of January 2020, God's Vision for Equallia to steward a Film/Movie Ministry, under Fervent House Productions. The company was well on its way to debut their 1st (first) Christ-Centered Film in 11 (eleven) select AMC Theatre's within 3 (three) states; Texas, Louisiana, and California, and then COVID-19 came and devastated the world, causing the films to be put on hold.

Fervent House Productions, has 37 (thirty-seven) Films which were to debut at AMC Theatre's over a 10 (ten) year period. Now What? 

After many months of prayer, seeking God on what to do with the films, God placed on Equallia's heart to start Fervent Broadcasting Network, a platform for the films God has given her, as well as a platform to partner with other ministries, helping lead the nations to a place of repentance, and helping to lead many to Christ.

The company is Membership based, with many levels of membership to choose from, which is designed to support the vision God has given Equallia to steward on His behalf.

As the CEO and Founder of Fervent House Publication & Production Company, and its brand extensions, Equallia's mission is to honor God, and Enhance Lives Across The Globe, by leading many to Christ.

January 25, 2020, Equallia scheduled her first video shoot for her song "Make A Way" at the Belgium House in Longview, TX. The production of the video, and song was put on hold due to COVID-19.

As our nation continues to recover from the impact that COVID-19 has had across the globe, Equallia continues to seek God for direction, and open doors.

October 19, 2022, Equallia encountered another heart-breaking moment in her life, 

upon her dear 104-year-old friend, David Andrew Fleming Jr., transitioning to heaven.

David was a WWII D-Day Veteran who served under General George S. Patton.

 Two Days before David transitioned from this life, he asks Equallia to continue to tell his story. 

What Equallia  heard, was the voice of God saying. Will you continue to tell My Story? 

Equallia has committed herself to answering the call, and honoring God, by telling her friend David's "Christ Story" in Fervent Magazines Legacy Edition, and a song dedication, which will be released December 2022.  

Fervent Magazines Re-Launch Celebration

w/Mr. Darnell Lee & Family/Friends

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